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Gaming laptop

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Well what help do you really need then? The budget and brand really limits your choices to a select few. Is there something specific you're unsure of? Some comparisons you need clarified?

Im looking for a good gaming laptop that some of the newest released titles.Basicly a good durable gaming laptop with a good graphics card for around 1000 to 2000 dollars.

i was going to get a ASUS but wasn't sure if you or anybody on nexus knew a better brand.

Thanks for replying.

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I needed one for college, bought mine from http://www.malibal.com

They stay competitive with http://www.xoticpc.com


Both are known to be reputable retailers based in the US that have what you'd want.


I scored some freebies off malibal on black friday last year. You also get a discount (both sites, and this is according to the last time I checked...) if you are a member of http://www.notebookreview.com/ with at least 10 (or was it 5?) posts.


I love my clevo, easy upgrades and all that jazz. Also keeps a low profile as opposed to screaming "STEAL ME" like an alienware brand would.


Anyways, good luck with your choice. Warranties are worth it with the clevo brand. My first monitor had a dead pixel, but luckily it died on me. However, they redeemed themselves by paying for shipping, shipping a new one, and including free upgrades for my trouble. I did not buy the 0 dead pixel guarantee and all that, so I could've been pretty upset although it turned out in my favor. These are smallish companies stiff in competition, so they want you to say good things. As you might have noticed, Clevo is not a mainstream brand. Anyways, Xotic also sells laptops from MSI and other brands. You might want to wait for the holiday to score serious discounts.


Hope I helped. :)


~Good luck.

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That is exactly what I meant, the brands Korodic mentioned buy barebone laptops and then you can choose what hardware you want to put in it.


In my tiny country we somehow have two of these manufacturers and that's where I will buy my laptops.


These companies do exactly the same as the major brand models they buy barebones, only the big brands offer a limited choice and with these you get a better deal and totally to your own wishes.

Edited by Erik005
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