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low FPS


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Hey guys, i am a newbie in modding and have a hard time to get something goodlooking and stable running. My problem is that I have low FPS(~35-40FPS) in my opinion. Maybe it is normal with these mods, idk.

So my questions are: Is it normal that i have such frame rates ? And if not(or anyways): Is there something im doing wrong ? And what can i do to improve my FPS?


I hope you guys have some ideas. Im grateful for any help. (and sry for my english)



Intel® Core i7-8700k CPU @ 3.7GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti



"0000","DLC: HearthFires"

"0001","DLC: Dragonborn"

"0002","DLC: Dawnguard"

"0003","Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch"

"0004","SKSE64 Data"


"0006","A Quality World Map"

"0007","SSE Engine Fixes (skse64 plugin)"

"0008","Static Mesh Improvement Mod"

"0009","Immersive Armors"

"0010","Immersive Weapons"

"0011","Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE"

"0012","Lightning During Storms Sse (Minty lightning)"

"0013","Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim"


"0015","Pretty Combat Animations"

"0016","XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended"

"0017","Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim"

"0018","PCA_1hm Animations Overhaul"

"0019","Magic Casting Animations Overhaul SSE"

"0020","Open Cities Skyrim - SSE"

"0021","Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul"

"0022","Immersive Patrols SE"

"0023","Wet and Cold"

"0024","Skyrim - Whiterun Textures"

"0025","SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius"

"0026","Immersive Sounds - Compendium"

"0027","Run For Your Lives"


"0029","RS Children Overhaul"

"0030","KS Hairdos SSE"

"0031","Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse)"

"0032","Ars Metallica - Smithing Enhancement"

"0033","Cloaks of Skyrim SSE"

"0034","Amazing Follower Tweaks SE"

"0035","Immersive Wenches"

"0036","Lanterns of Skyrim SE"

"0037","Rich Skyrim Merchants"

"0038","Campfire - Complete Camping System (Supports Skyrim VR)"

"0039","Haladoon's Retexture Project"

"0040","Ruins Clutter Improved"

"0041","Forgotten Retex Project"

"0042","Unread Books Glow SSE"

"0043","Misc Retexture Project"

"0044","RUSTIC WINDOWS - Special Edition"

"0045","Book Covers Skyrim"

"0046","Gecko's Dwarven Ruins Textures"

"0047","Tamriel Retextured - HD Texture Pack"

"0048","Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition"

"0049","Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul"

"0050","Skyland - A Landscape Texture Overhaul"

"0051","Detailed Chests Texture Replacers SE"

"0052","RUSTIC COOKING - Special Edition"


"0054","RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTION - Special Edition"

"0055","RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Special Edition"

"0056","Better Farmhouses - 4K"

"0057","Noble Skyrim Mod HD-2K"

"0058","Skyrim 3D Landscapes"

"0059","Blended Roads"

"0060","Skyrim 2017 Textures by Pfuscher"

"0061","Skyrim Flora Overhaul SE"

"0062","Realistic HD Tree LOD Textures"

"0063","Vivid Weathers - Definitive Edition"

"0064","The Joy of Perspective"

"0065","OBIS SE - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition"

"0066","Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Classic"

"0067","Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE"

"0068","Enhanced Blood Textures"

"0069","skyBirds SSE Edition"

"0070","UNP Female Body Renewal"

"0071","RUSTIC CLOTHING - Special Edition"

"0072","ENB Helper SE"

"0073","All-in-One HD Textures - Sky Rework (1K. 2K. 4K)"


"0075","! Rudy SSE Sun Glare and Sun Lens Flare disabler VW"

"0076","Texture Overhaul ( Clutter )"

"0077","Obsidian Mountain Fogs"

"0078","Smooth Sky mesh - SSE"

"0079","ENB Light"

"0080","Nordic Snow (aka HQ Snow Texture)"

"0081","Majestic Mountains"

"0082","Realistic Water Two"

"0083","Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB"

"0084","Enhanced Lights and FX"

"0085","Enhanced Textures Detail (UV-tweaks)"

"0086","HD LODs Textures SE"

"0087","Arri's Snow Elf Ruins Retexture Special Edition"

"0088","Gecko's Nordic Ruins Textures"

"0089","JK's Whiterun"

"0090","Skyrim Textures Redone - SkyHaven"

"0091","Vampire Lord Retexture"

"0092","Ash Pile Retexture"

"0093","Training Dummies Retexture 4k and 2k"

"0094","Fine Face Textures for Men SSE"

"0095","SkySight Skins - Ultra HD 4K 2K Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes"

"0096","Lock HD Retexture"

"0097","Fur Tent 4k Retexture"

"0098","Realistic faces - Skyrim SE Character Overhaul"

"0099","Shuffler90's Skeleton 4k retexture - 4k-4k version"

"0100","2K Retextured Mage Tables"

"0101","Archery Target Retexture"

"0102","Steel Arrows and Bolts Revamped Texture 4k - 2k"

"0103","Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin"


"0105","Better Dialogue Controls"

"0106","Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods"

"0107","Simply Bigger Trees SE - (formerly SkySight SBT)"

"0108","Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim"

"0109","Convenient Horses"

"0110","Zim's Immersive Artifacts V1.5"

"0111","Populated Cities Towns Villages SE Edition"

"0112","Dust Effects by HHaleyy"

"0113","SSE Fixes"

"0114","Guards Armor Replacer SSE"

"0115","Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes"

"0116","Armor and Clothing Extension"

"0117","Dynamic Outfits (UNP Version) - NPCs Change Clothes Based on the Situation"

"0118","Arcanum - A New Age of Magic"



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