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PSA: test your work in-progress!


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Just wow.

I just fixed it.

My plugin, to which I added hundreds of records over the past few days, without actually testing in-game (because I'm really dumb sometimes).

I spent THREE HOURS, trying to figure out why my plugin wouldn't load.

Almost 400 NPC_ records and a couple dozen AVIFs, MGEFs, PERKs, SPELs, RACEs, etc etc etc, I removed in various ways, sometimes entire record trees at a time.

Sometimes, I would make a change, and the game would load, then I would try it again right away and it wouldn't. This is... well, I just don't even know. Frustrating.

Finally, I started building a new plugin from scratch, and tested it with each new change. Turns out it was a perk.

I made a perk for NPCs that rolls a random chance to take no damage, like Unstoppables.

But I had the perk condition tab count set incorrectly.

0 instead of 3.

Go figure.

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