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Just got back into Skyrim PC


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Hey all,

I havent loaded up Skyrim in over a year as I had life go up and down.

I just want to know what has changed? i see the Nexus mod manager is no longer supported...

what are the must have mods?

Im using Skyrim SE on a very high end laptop so i want to make it look as good as possible with ENB's ect but being very immersive.

Any help would be appreciated.

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In my opinion as a relatively new Skyrim player (last spring), unless you're one of those people who can't deal with the 255 mod limit,, use Vortex for your mod manager. Cnat speak for others, but it has mnade the whole thing pretty darned easy. Very few installations require anything more than clikcing the download using manager button, then clicking a couple more buttons.


Occasionally, a load order issue comes up, but when it does, 9 times out of 10 (actually the ratio is higher), Vortex provides suggested order specs that work great if chosen. It's a rare thing when you actually have to make a "serious' decision (ie, for a newb like me, a decision where you have to guess which should come before which)


Regarding "must haves", when I first began loading mods, I went to the "most endorsed" mods page (mod tab, most endorsed). For instance, on just the first page of that selection set, I have 14 of the first page's 20 suggestions. (and 5 of the next page's 20 suggestions)


I'm presuming you have the latest Skyrim SE installed (1.5.97) and the companion SKSE (2.0.17)


idk what's "must". In no particular order:


  • SkyUI, Mfg Fix or Oppcaro mfg
  • NetImmersive Override
  • Papyrus Extender
  • Static Mesh Improvement Mod
  • CBPC and HDT (if you want that bouncy flouncy stuff)
  • FNIS (for animations)
  • Racemenu
  • Bodyslide and Outfit Studio if you want to fit clothing to (female players) or install/modify the bodies of your (generally female) CBBE character(s)
  • Go to Bed (if you prefer "immersive" sleeping to standing next to a bed and waiting for the sleep timeout
  • Go to Bed Addon if you have a companion follower you want sleeping with you
  • A Quality World Map
  • Better MessageBox Controls (this one was a literal MUST for me. My game was unusable until I installed this one...most modal dialog boxes (ie yes/no) were enough to lock the game up so I had to perform a hard crash - console "qqq" - to start over)
  • UI Extensions
  • NetScriptFramework for Skyrim SE

Bug fixes I've installed:

  • Engine Fixes for SSE
  • Drunk Sinking head Idle Fix (afaik only really necessary when you use Sofia)
  • Flora Respawn fix
  • Havok Fix 64
  • MFG Fix (already noted)
  • Player Blink Fix


Nice to have (IMO):

  • Notification Log (so you don't go "what the f did that momentary text in the upper left say?")
  • Quick Light (or wearable lanterns)
  • Walk like a normal person (balances the player walking speed to match that of NPCs)
  • Add Item - provides convenient interface for getting things "non immersively" without using console commands


As far as environmentals are concerned...that's a toss up only your eyes can determine. Again I'd refer you to the most endorsed listings.

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Thank you very much.


I used to have a few of those things.


what is netimmursive override?


Body slide, doesnt armour fit CBBE bodies without it? or ami missing something?


  • SkyUI, Mfg Fix or Oppcaro mfg

are you saying one or the other of those three?

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I'm not sure *what Net Immersive Override is, but it's required by several other mods. May or not actually be "required".


Some armor fits without fuss, but if you opt to replace or modify the player body or download a follower/companion that has some sort of unique body you may want/need to fit armor/clothing.

(In addition, some armor/clothing mods are designed for a specific CBBE body type. If you like them and want to use them you either have to have the same body installed to your player or...when possible (if they've included necessary bodyslide XML for doing so) they can be fit to other other CBBE bodies


SkyUI (stands alone. it provides the MCM structure for one thing.)


MFG Fix OR Opparco Mfg. Afaik they conflict with each other, but they're often noted in mod requirement's tabs (for dependent mods), so one has to pick which they're going to use. I originally installed both (didn't know better) and had few if any issues for several months, but eventually I had to opt out of Opparco due to an eye bug it and another mod brought to bear following the 1.5.80 update back in June.


General advise: When you pick new mods, make sure to fully read the mod description, check the requirements tab, and scan the posts tab. It can be tedious, but it's educaitonal and sometimes critical in achieving more game time, less "WTF? now I have to go post a query that will get answered piecemeal over the course of the next two weeks...IFF I'm lucky")


And whatever you do, don't install LE mods. I think textures are a bit more lenient in that respect (or at least I see posts from people saying so), but in general, LE mods ("Oldrim", ie, the original pre-SE version) cause problems.


PPS> there are some utilities you'll also probably want eventually, and imo, better now than later... Fallrim Tools for one (comes in handy for periodically cleaning up save files due to normal clutter retention ADN to mods that you may have uninstalled but later uninstalled...they leave crap behind that can interfer with the game) . SSEEdit is another. I'm not terribly savvy in its use, but it's helpful for cleaning up various mods, inclduing the foundational pieces...there's a good discussion on the general subject in the Skyrim Special Edition Mod Talk forum. There are others but imo they're more for mod authors or special interest use.


Oh...and when you read the requirements and installation instructions and people's posts and they reference load order, "above" means "before" means their load position should be lower than...


edited for content.

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One tiny clarification for anyone who reads my blather and is still confused by when I said "lower than"... I mean the loader order number shown in vortex (or possibly some other mod manager... I've only used vortex)


1 some mod (this is the lowest, above-est, before-est)

2 some other mod

3 some other other mod (higher than 2, after 1, and apparently "below" 1)

4 etc...


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