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CK having problem loading Update.esm


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When I try and load my CK, I get a popup saying "MASTERFILE: File Update.esm is a higher version then this EXE can load.", then crashes when I hit 'Yes to All'. If I load the Skyrim.esm by itself the CK loads normally, it's only when I try and load other mods with the sktrim.esm do I get the crash.



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When I try and load my CK, I get a popup saying "MASTERFILE: File Update.esm is a higher version then this EXE can load.", then crashes when I hit 'Yes to All'. If I load the Skyrim.esm by itself the CK loads normally, it's only when I try and load other mods with the sktrim.esm do I get the crash.





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Bethesda just killed Skyrim modding.


There are certain types of mods which are no longer possible to build, debug, or expand.


Now the question is: are they going to resurrect Skyrim modding?

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i think that's a bit endoftheworld-esque, isn't it?

Unless there's some major major thing that i haven't heard of yet, the update to the ck will come, and things will return to normal. The timing was bad, yes, but not...as bad as you're making it sound, david. it's only been...3? 4? days since the patch dropped out of beta. Lol.

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Well modding is over until they fix it.

For those of us that work it was the worse possible timing, sitting down of a friday evening where i would have all weekend to try some new ideas i had and finalize some major aspects ( what a slap in the face)

Modding can be hard enough sometimes when your motivations go out the window without major roadblocks being thrown in the way.

and we dont even have an update yet soo who knows what mods it going to break this time around because they are prob having to rush it out because it seems know body even thought about Ck issues.


Modding is the biggest draw for me for skyrim ive not even finished the game and without it i would have never even picked it up :(


Counting the hours

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@ slainia

I am still waiting for the Oblivion CS update to fix the broken voiced dialog software from the Shivering Isles update. This was indeed sort of an end of the world scenario with Oblivion modding. Have you noticed how Oblivion mods almost never have voiced dialog? This is not because of the modders, this is because Bethesda broke the CS and never fixed it.


What about Dawnguard? There are certain ways in which Dawnguard doesn't work with the CK. Dawnguard has been out for a good long while and Hearthfire has even been released. But where is the CK update to make it so the editor works right with Dawnguard?

Edited by David Brasher
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