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Mod Request: New Folower, My Little (pack) Brahmin


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create new custom purchasable folower to carry loot/swag/gear about the wastes for me


a purchasable pack brahmin to carry loot and whatnot thru the wastes purchasable from the wastland traders


it would seem logically to me that there would be a relatively easy way to impliment a pack brahmin NON COMBATTANT follower


proposed abilities:


would not count as folower so still able to have dogmeat + 1 named folower and the brahmin


the model, animations, and textures allready done


have it work like Seargent Rl-3 for carrying (strenth 10 + strong back equivalent) gear


act like a coward noncombattant to flee during combat


ability to milk it similar to mr handy i need something to drink script producing up to 3 times per ingame week , producing..


a new item (drug) addiction chance 20% base effect - 25 rad + 20 hp value 5 caps




can it be done?!

thanks in advance

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ability to milk it similar to mr handy i need something to drink script producing up to 3 times per ingame week , producing..


a new item (drug) addiction chance 20% base effect - 25 rad + 20 hp value 5 caps


"Hey man, you bring the stuff?" "Yeah, and it aint even pasteurized! This is the good poo!"




But in all seriousness, that's a pretty awesome idea. You'd need to make it "essential", though, or it would just die the second you got into any kind of fight. And if you DO make it run away, be careful about that... Don't want it to run so far it gets lost! Also needs stay/follow commands like other followers. I don't exactly want a giant two-headed mutant cow following me into every abandoned area I want to explore, or when I'm trying to be sneaky, for that matter!

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actually i think id want it killable and non essential as in a replacable pack animal at any of the wastland scav or traders

hungry> mmm brahmin steaks :P


also with non essential i think it would add to the hopelessness of the wastlands ..

yay i just raided raven rock, good thing i have my little pack brahmin to haul the swag,

damn mutie just ate my F'n Cow!

now how am i guna haul all this loot home


or ran off spooked from combar then you realise your cow just took off with your ( insert prefered weapon)


of course it would need a stay/ follow command as all folowers do really


even better if the coding from oblivion mounts could be applied to it somehow


used your brahmin is tethered outside... in place of the your horse is stabled outside the city

or something similar

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