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A Request TO All Modders That Upload Stuff


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Some modders (including me, yes i know i'm a horrible person) don't inculde a read-me file since the bulk of the masses that download don't even read the description page for install instructions,and then ask "how do I install this?"
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nice addition to the readme-twist. thanx <img src='http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /><br />but the point is tying the right readme-file to the right mod. <br />i couldn't try your links (a couple of the files were hidden atm).<br />but could i safely conclude that they generate readme's, with reference to the mods they refer to? Edited by channel0
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I've downloaded several mods that included the readme in a separate "Readmes" folder within the Data folder. I've always really appreciated this since it keeps the Data folder from getting cluttered with a bunch of text documents. Unfortunately, the mods that use that structure are few and far between. "Docs" would work just as well, but I've not personally seen this structure used by any of the mods I've installed.
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I appreciate the point being made but is it really necessary for reasonably simple mods? I can see the benefit for a complex mods with multiple options or those that make complex changes, and those usually do include them. I suppose I see the point and can see why it would be useful. If I get around to updating mine I will copy/paste my description pages.
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I appreciate the point being made but is it really necessary for reasonably simple mods?


I think it is necessary.


Lets suppose your mod adds one small dungeon. I install your mod and I can't find the dungeon entrance. So then I either have to open up your mod in the CK or else go on the Internet and try to find where I downloaded your file from. If I am not patient, I will just give up and not even explore your dungeon since I can't find it.


Let us suppose your mod adds one new sword. But where do I get the sword? This sword is not craftable. It is not sold in stores. Enemies don't carry it. It is in a chest. But I don't remember where the chest is. In town? In a dungeon. Darn it! Now I have to open the CK or log on to the Internet and go hunting.

Edited by David Brasher
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I include readme files for almost all of my mods, but I have to admit that I didn't include one for "Smelter for Riften" & "Smelter for Solitude." I think I started to create one, and it pretty much read "This mod adds a smelter to Riften." It felt a bit silly to include a text file for that particular mod. But in general, I agree with David, that even relatively simple mods benefit from having the information included along with the file.
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