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A Request TO All Modders That Upload Stuff


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Hmm… I think it definitely *is* necessary to include a readme with every mod, see it like eg. learning to eat with fork and knife. It ought to be a basic practice, even if it just states „it does this and that; copy contents into data/ folder and activate esp/esm in launcher, to delete, do the reverse”. The important bit is that one instantly can reference if a mod requires additional settings, mods or updated versions of the game, and –– almost more important –– what the heck it actually does. If you have to manage a lot of mods (i have about 400 for Oblivion, 200 for Skyrim, 800 for Morrowind, and similar with other games), you'll be thankful if you do NOT have to re-connect to the web and search for the documentation you just need right now.


Concerning the doc directory: I adopted this from Wrye's Mash/Bash/Smash wich puts an included "readme.txt" in, say, foo-12345.7z into data/docs/foo-12345.txt. Of course, it would be even better if those readmes were named this way by default.



channel0: definitely. I'd kudo every single one of the Nexus admins and moderators if they made it a general rule.

Edited by rekuli
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