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Fighters stronghold official mod


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Fighter's Stronghold (10.3 MB) DLC6

Defeat the attacking marauders and become lord of Battlehorn Castle. Located in the Colovian Highlands west of Chorrol, this expansive castle will allow you to live the life of a noble warrior, with private quarters, grand dining hall, wine cellar, barracks, training room and more. And what castle would be complete without a few hidden passages and dark secrets?


This is an official Mod. Anyone know if it's any good? Please tell :thanks:

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yeah i got it in the frist week it was released it is quite good but i would recommended some changes


edit in CS the guards to make them essential same with the captain

make a leveled item list for there armors and all Steel lvl 1 Dwaven lvl 5 etc etc


or insteard of a leveled list edit the man at arms in CS and turn off Re spawn and use any mod that allows putting stuff in inventory like Talkie Toaster says share and you can edit them with armors with other mods


if you want a guide Wasder i could right one quite easily



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I could have sworn my guard captain respawned all by himself when he got too ambitious and died (he followed me into an Oblivion gate up on the nearby hill). Oh well, whatever. Initially I loved the castle. But the 'treasure' was junk ('tho I read there's a mod that levels it to when you initially enter) and I spent more time decorating the place than actually playing the game .. LOL. The sparring partner also made me become a bit reclusive and lean toward controlled power levelling. My final opinion, someone with good modding skills could vastly improve what comes straight from the box.

I no longer load this mod although I do miss the stables.

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haha alright i never doubt anyone CS skills never have never will




As a matter of fact, my mod skills are shoddy to say the least (lovely word, shoddy).

However I think that I can get my bro (he's not on the Nexus)

or possibly some friends to help/do it for me. I bought the game and basically guided him through anything in Oblivion he couldn't do or didn't know, so I think he owes me bigtime.

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