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Replaying cutscenes without rewriting saves/playthroughs?


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Hello! Sorry for my silly question first of all, but as the title says: is there any way to be able to rewatch or replay cutscenes without rewriting the (old) saves that are next?


Imagine this example: I'm near the end of the game and I wanna go back to a starting romance/love scene and watch it (bc I'm a dumbass and I didn't record it with Bandicam) And of course, I wouldn't want to loose all the progress next because of a cutscene. Especifically: I don't have any save right before Cassandra's love scene shows up, so I'd have to go and make her quest ''The ideal romance'' again in a moment. Would that rewrite everything?


Should I make a copy of the actual save that contains the scene, or is there any other option to not make a mess on the playthrough?


*NOTE: it would be just replaying it normally, not changing any important options on the story.


I hope I explained myself well :s Thank you so much <3

Edited by Elisuki
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It's definitely a good idea to save before major events, not only in case there is some issue, but also so you can replay it if you wish.

If you need to back a bit farther so you can start Cassandra's romance quest again, that will not overwrite your current saves. All hard saves, with the exception of the temporary Quick Save and the Automatic Saves, are independent from one another.


My suggestion would be to load in the game at your current save, wherever that is in the game, and make a hard save. Then you are free to go back to an earlier time and replay that portion of the game. When you want to return to your current save and continue on, just load that last hard save your made.


I do this all time time when testing mods, taking screenshots, or just because I too want to rewatch a favorite romance scene :tongue:.

Edited by nightscrawl
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  On 12/29/2019 at 8:16 PM, nightscrawl said:

It's definitely a good idea to save before major events, not only in case there is some issue, but also so you can replay it if you wish.

If you need to back a bit farther so you can start Cassandra's romance quest again, that will not overwrite your current saves. All hard saves, with the exception of the temporary Quick Save and the Automatic Saves, are independent from one another.


My suggestion would be to load in the game at your current save, wherever that is in the game, and make a hard save. Then you are free to go back to an earlier time and replay that portion of the game. When you want to return to your current save and continue on, just load that last hard save your made.


I do this all time time when testing mods, taking screenshots, or just because I too want to rewatch a favorite romance scene :tongue:.

Sounds like a good idea, thank you so much!! Could it work like that if I'm currently playing Trespasser? I mean, I wouldn't loose my saves from this DLC?


EDIT: nevermind. I actually don't have any save that is near enough to the romance scene, I'd have to replay half of ''Unfinished Business'' and I don't have time nor will for that, honestly LMAO.

Thanks anyway, at least I recorded the scene in the first place with my phone! let's see what kind of shitty edit comes from that ayyyyy :teehee:

Edited by Elisuki
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