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How do I make a Book?


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Hello everyone, thanks in advance for helping me. I actually have two things I want to ask. First, how do you make a book int the CS? You can send me a link to a tutorial if you would like, but keep in mind, I am not yet a modding genius, so I might not understand some things if they are not thoroughly explained, but I at least know most of the basics in the CS.

The other thing is, what is the ID name for a jewelry box? I found it once, but now I cannot seem to find it anymore, but I don't recall what its ID name is in the CS.

Thanks again! :)

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There are some tools to make book creation easier:


Critterman's Oblivion Book Creator

Hawk's Book Creator


As far as finding the Jewelry Box, there are several of them. Here are the names of the three generic ones (and those are the ones you'll want to use):






There are several way of finding things in the CS if you don't know the Editor ID of the object you're looking for. One of the easiest is as follows:


Note: I'm using Jewelry Box in this example, but it can easily be applied to other things.


1. Determine which category the desired item is in and select it in the Object Window. For Jewelry Box, select Containers.


2. Look in the object list (the part to the right that displays all the items from the selected category). At the top of the list, you'll see the names of the columns (Editor ID, Count, Users, Name, etc.). Click on the word Name to arrange all items in alphabetical order by name. Click on it again to arrange them in reverse alphabetical order.


3. Scroll down until you find an object with the desired name. In the case of "Jewelry Box", you'll see that there are at least six containers by that name.


This technique can be used in almost any category (exceptions being Grass, Statics, and Tree) to quickly find what you're looking for, assuming you're looking in the right place.

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