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Is Adblock Unethical?



62 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Adblock Unethical?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Other (explain)

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well basically ads containing malware, virus, etc are the fault of the ads maker. why they put it? why they force internet user to watch/look at their ads? for me the most annoying ads are some pop-up crap agoda and etoro. ads are supposed to inform and attract consumer to use their services NOT force consumer to use their service. i reccomend use adblock at any circimstances.
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the question if something that helps internet users keeping their webpages clean of intrusive, manipulative ads is unethical, is a unethical question itself!


Just use a Browser without ad-blocker and one with and try surfing on both and you will see there is a huge difference in surfing quality between the two (I dont think I have to mention but the overall surfing comfort is higher with adblocker than without).


Such a question can only come from a society that has been drilled to act and think AGAINST its interests. A Society where they do not produce Products for People but try to "produce" People for Products!


There might have been a time where ads did what they were meant to, informing potential customers, but these times, if ever they were, are long but gone. Now ads are mostly trying to "switch off" the reasoning part of the brain and combine a product, a thing, with emotions.


example: "This is not a glass! its THE "G-lass"!. Its rounder, smoother and water that is poured into it feels like home" (water does not feel at all but we like to give things emotions, look at all the movies where cars, trees etc. talk as if they were persons...we love that and "they" know it).


Ads are the scourge of our age, the plague of our generation. They are outer control out of every boundary. If you think I am exaggerating, think about it when the next time you are shopping, another great Commercial "one-liner" goes through your brain...uninvited!


Next time you might as well ask "is helping homeless and sick children unethical"

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