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Stuck in chat with NPCs

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It seems like it's only in certain modded content that I experience this issue, but a lot of times I get in a conversation with an npc and I never have a final option to close out the dialogue and continue about my business. It also happened when I was doing the Come Fly With Me quest when talking to Chris Haversam. I was able to get around it by not selecting some of the questions in the chat. The biggest issue I have now is with the New Vegas Trade Center mod, and pretty much everyone in the main building in the mod, including merchants, leave me no way to leave the dialogue. I went in to see if maybe it was because the mod was incomplete, but I saw several videos of people talking to the same npcs with a "I need to get going" option. Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks in advance!
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  • 5 months later...

I'm having this same problem. I've tried going in through the console, but the console won't open. I've tried changing the .ini file, but it says bAllowConsole is already set to one. Also tried the regedit, but there is no OverrideKeyboardSubtype under parameters. This is really annoying cause I can't talk to a lot of people or complete missions with them.


Can someone please make a mod or something that lets you exit conversations whenever you want? Thanks.

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