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Morrowind won't Play

The Truth

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I just bought and installed this game earlier today, but have yet to get the blasted thing to play. Whenever I click on the play option, i get a message along the lines of "Unsupported Monitor Resolution. Please change to True Color: 32 bit."


The problem is I'm already set on True Color. I'm at True Color 800x600, and have no idea how to change to True Color 32 bit. I'm on Windows XP if that makes any difference.


Should I simply try to reinstall the game? Or is there a way for me to change to this True Color 32 bit?

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Go into Display Properties and fetch how many bits of color information are being sent (not the resolution, which is the figure in ****x**** form, but the option you've selected beside it -- it's in a dropbox). It should be set to "True Color (32 bit)." If it is set to "True Color (24 bit)," change it to the former and consider buying a new video card. If the former option is not avaliable, look for new drivers and seriously consider a new video card.
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Ooh... The 810E... A real classic, heh... Had one myself a time ago. Since I remember being mortified beyond belief at having the 32-bit option (yes, mortified -- 32 bits of color information was just a waste of space at that time) when I moved away from that "graphics solution," I doubt that it had 32-bit back when I had it -- since the drivers probably haven't changed since then, the chip probably still doesn't support for 32-bit color.


The next step here is to see if your motherboard has an AGP slot. If it does, then you can get modern video cards, but it'd probably be a waste since you're probably going to be getting a PCI-Express card in a few months if you get into enthusiast's circles. If it doesn't, then I'm sorry to say that the best you can is something like a GeForce 2.

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Well, if you're planning a big upgrade in the next few months, I wouldn't invest much into an AGP card -- however, if you're going to settle, I have no trouble recommending these:


Entry: GeForce 4 Ti Series (I've seen these for about $US80)


Mid-Range: Radeon 9600XT (These are going to be $US150)


High-End: Radeon 9800XT (Expect above $US250, but the prices are going to drop soon)


Ridiculously High-End: Radeon X800XT ($US650 is a small price to pay for pwnage)

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Well I hardly, if ever "upgrade" my system, so I'm not to concerned about buying a peice of hardware only to replace it a month later. So judging by you list....would it be fair of me to assume that the GeForce 4 Ti Series and Radeon 9600XT would be most cost effective for someone on a budget? Will these cards allow the game to perform up to specs with the pixel shading and max draw distance and everything.....or will they simply allow the game to run?




Nevermind....just saw your price lists. Eesh.

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A GeForce 2 will simply allow the game to play... A GeForce 4 will give you that purty water... A Radeon 9600XT will take some of the clunk out of those framerates and allow you to do the fancy stuff... A Radeon 9800XT will give you completely fluid framerates in most of the situations you can throw at it, even with the details turned up... A Radeon X800XT will give you fluid framerates with painful amounts of AA and AF, bragging rights, and the really fancy stuff.
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