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Levelup crash workaround


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I'm not sure if scripts are possible without an SDK, but I'm tired of having to worry about becoming evil and crashing.


Here's what I need.


* when you get enough XP to level up, a script fires that records your Karma. then it changes the value to maximum good. Following this, it continues running in the background, waiting for you to finish leveling up. when this happens, the script changes your karma back to the value recorded. (this solves both the crash issue and the issue with you losing your karma rating and having it reset to neutral after achieving level 21).


*The above script is fired by a much lighter "XP check" script that constantly runs, checking the the character's level and total XP and comparing it to a list of "Level Up" values (up to level 100, as that is the most any mod allows one to attain)




Lastly, the mod and script setup would come in a standalone version, but creators of leveling mods would be given unrestricted use if they gave the creator of the scripts credit for that part of the mods.


Any thoughts?

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