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Trouble with Conjuration master skill quest


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Hi everyone. I'm doing one of the Master Skill Quests (Conjuration) and I'm up on top of the college trying to summon an unbound Dremora. For some reason when I do the spell, nothing happens. I am at level 90 and seem to have plenty of magicka, but when I hit "E" to do the spell, it doesn't work. Does anyone know why it might not be working and what I might be able to do to fix it?


Thanks so much,

Tracy :)

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If I remember correctly the summon Unbound Dremora spell requires two hands to cast once equipped so unless you have remapped your keys the default would be either left mouse button or right mouse button and hold down for a few seconds until you see the animation change before releasing.
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Ah. okay.. I think I was expecting it to happen instantly and so when it didn't, I thought it didn't work. I'll go try again and hold down the mouse buttons and see what happens. Thanks!



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