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Why are my worldspace object LODs getting screwed up


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Yes, object\tree\landscape LODS all end up where they should, except for the texturesets, they end up in \source\DDStextures (one folder up from the main skyrim folder - heaven knows why). But I would recommend doing a run with Oscape after that - much better textures and flexibility in LOD meshes. In fact the CK screws up the textures quite often.


But for objects and trees it'll work fine - as long as you run while the worldspace isn't loaded and you close the CK without saving when you're done.



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Hi all, I'm currently having a problem with worldspace LOD. When I try and generate static creation kit crashes. I've tried making new maps but I still get that problem, I've seen other posts onlien about the same issue so I know it isn't just me but I haven't found any solution yet. Would anyone be able to help me solve this, please?



Edit:: After lots more forum skulking I discovered the source of my problem it turns out that the bethesda tutorial failed to mention when telling to generate static as a first step is that wiothout any static in your world creation kit will crash. Problem solved nw back to work :)

Edited by Shoneah0Tokala
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