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Feature idea: dedicated patch tagging framework


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It would be really nice to see dedicated section in mod download pages for patches, also some kind of framework so mod creators can to tag patch to some specific mods and version(s) it's intended for. Also it would be awesome if this functionality was extended so mod managers can take advantage of this and easily check if mods you have enabled have patch available.

Patches are so easy to miss, and having them built into Fmod installers makes it even easier to miss. This is one of my pet peeves in modding, having this capability would make modding much more straightforward. There's so many features you could add if you could tag patches to mod files. In same concept, it would be nice if mod authors could tag mods as compatible or incompatible with mods. It would make things just easier if there was standard way to handle these routine things.

Atm, patches are treated just as another file.



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