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The Merits or Not-So-Merits of using Update.esm


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Thought I'd ask a question or two about using Update.esm for modding, because I generally do and of course since the latest patch it has rendered me unable to work on my mod. My questions are: Is it really necessary to use the Update.esm for modding (as in are there things lurking that might screw with a mod if not checked, therefore applying it over the top of the mod)?


And also, I wonder if there are certain types of modding that it might apply to for some reason? For example, I don't imagine it matters if it happens to be adding armors or weapons...but maybe it would if you have scripts and other things running in your mod, anyone have some thoughts on that? While patches don't happen that often, it does really screwball progress when it happens to be a week out of sync with the game patch.


It's times like this that I wonder if I shouldn't just kick Update.esm to the curb, but I also tend to ponder the affects of doing so either in general or in certain cases. I also hold the Nexus modders in high regard, so I ask you silly questions like this from time to time when I am unsure. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions. :biggrin:

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I've seen endless discussions about this since the last update stopped people from using the CK. So I had a look at the CK wiki, the "beginner's tutorial". This is what the talk page had to say:


"Double-click to select Skyrim.esm for load - indicated by an "X" in the box on the left - and select "OK"." This should also include the Update.esm, shouldn't it? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by 21:06, 7 February 2012 (talkcontribs) IONDragonX


If I remember correctly, Update.esm is hard-coded to always be loaded, even if not selected. At least, I'm pretty confident that's true for Skyrim itself. I'd assume it's also true for the Creation Kit I'd appreciate it if someone else could confirm this, though. -- Cipscis 22:14, 7 February 2012 (EST)


Consider it confirmed. Joel Burgess 04:10, 8 February 2012 (EST(


Joel Burgess is a senior dev at Beth, so I assume he knows what he is talking about.


In other words, CK would have been borked for you whether you explicitly slaved your mod to update.esm or not, because it is going to load it anyway. At least, that's what I'm taking away from that little exchange.


(also, skyrim.esm and update.esm are always loaded before your mods, so they can't overwrite anything in them)


Fun fact: the talk pages of the CK wiki often give you interesting information. Sometimes more than the actual article page.

Edited by acidzebra
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i was actually wondering about this myself, given your comment in another thread, Acid.

Thanks for the helpful post.

& TheGreenLion - you had a good question. Lol. It actually helped me put some things into perspective in how everything relates... half the time i"m not even sure what questions I should be asking. Hehe

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Very good info acidzebra, I admit I don't actually look at the Talk section of the wiki much...but I will now, haha. Ah well, guess I'll have to mess with textures some more until it updates. And I apologize for the redundancy, it happened to cross my mind at the time. :biggrin:
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it is, actually. I was thinking it should almost be pinned - this is an issue that's goign to come up more than once, the question is simple, the answer is VERY simple, and verifiable, and the thread is short. Haha.
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In other words, CK would have been borked for you whether you explicitly slaved your mod to update.esm or not, because it is going to load it anyway. At least, that's what I'm taking away from that little exchange.



Then why don't I get any error message (about the update anyway lol) when I load my mod? That post is from February, it may have been changed in an update since then.

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I can open the mod I was working on when the update happened but I can't open any mod prior to that without the CK spitting out the Update.esm message and shutting down. I can start a new mod as long as I don't use Hearthfire or Dawnguard. Strange glitch. Hopefully it will get sorted out.
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