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Console opening Mod


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NOTE: the following does NOT mean that a mod which enables the console command isn't needed. It would still be tremendously useful, just like it was in oblivion.


I did a ton more research on this, and it turns out what is happening is that since a lot of laptops are manufactured in China these days, they typically install all the software using an external asian keyboard.


what happens is that there is a registry setting left afterwards that has some key mappings incorrect for US keyboards in it, and the grave key (tilde key) is one of those.


so, here's how to fix it:


open regedit


Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters


There should be an entry named OverrideKeyboardSubtype with a type of REG_DWORD and a value of 2.

Set the value to 0 and reboot.


now, uninstalling the IR drivers in the device manager (if you have them) will work to enable the console to come up.


if you don't have any IR drivers, then just doing the reg change should fix it for you.


I just tested this myself, and it does work for my ASUS laptop.


hello Toejam. i'd like to try this out but i don't know what the regedit is can you tell me what it is and where to find it .


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Wow, talk about a blast from the past.


Regedit is a windows tool for editing your registry. To open it, open the "Run" dialogue (windows+R on Vista) and type "regedit". I'm not familiar enough with it to tell you how to use it, but if no one here can tell you I'm sure you can find what you need to know somewhere online.



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