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Problem with CK Render Window


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Did not really have any problems using CK for creating mods until a couple weeks back.


When selecting a cell it opens up in render window but the camera controls are not responding.


I can drag and drop items into the render window and move them around also I have all other functions working on CK which leads me to believe there is a check box somewhere or some option that I may have triggered or deselected without noticing.


Anyone else had this problem? I have uninstalled and reinstalled CK and the problem still persists. Is there an option I can switch back on or is this a bug with CK?


Just the camera frozen in render window. I can use shortcut keys to change camera angle (e.g. selecting an object and using "T" for top down view) but cannot zoom or rotate camera angle. Anyone offer any advice or help?

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Thats what I was thinking but I have gone back in and double checked freeze camera, anchor the camera, toggle flycam etc.. since your post.


When it first happened I thought it was my keyboard or mouse playing up but that is not the case as I can use the mouse wheel on the object window to scroll up and down the lists etc and can type in the filter etc so all my keys are working..

I can use the render window hotkeys to reposition camera without problem. and can select references and double click them from the cell window and the render window updates to the new item camera focus.


I just cannot zoom in or out or rotate camera postion across any axis whilst in render window. Very strange. Apart from this annoyance the CK is working as normal.

I can add/edit objects etc.. just bugged in the render window.


I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the CK a number of times since the first occurance and the problem persists.


Creation kit version

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I kind of wonder how you're still on the old version but nevertheless, anytime the CK has gone weird on me deleting the SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini in the main skyrim folder has sorted all manner of issues for me (preview and window shapes going wonky, shadow lights refusing to light up a scene despite there being no more than 4, and all sorts of odd glitches). Try that.
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Thank you both for your replies, they have both helped me really look into the CK in places I really did not look deep enough before.


It was in the preferences. Zoom, camera movement and rotation had been reset to nil for some reason. That is why I still had full (as far as possible with CK) functionality. Changing these settings put life in the old horse again.


As to the version, I am using the one that downloads from Steam (which may explain it) I will look for more recent versions to download... and again, thank you.

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