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Allow more ways of gaining experience points


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Right now, the only way to gain xp reliably is to get a kill. There are other minor sources of xp, but the lion's share will be from finishing shots. This system is pretty flawed, because


1. It makes it hard for rookies to level up later on (Often I have to let the vets wear down aliens so my rookie can take the coup de grace)

2. Actions like stunning is more dangerous than kills, yet gives no benefit

3. Certain classes will be harder to level up, like support.


There should be a mod that change the way xp is gained. At the very least, I think a stun should get just as many xp points as a kill. Perhaps xp can also be dependent on the damage that's dealt out, with a bonus for the killing blow.

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Right now, the only way to gain xp reliably is to get a kill. There are other minor sources of xp, but the lion's share will be from finishing shots. This system is pretty flawed, because


1. It makes it hard for rookies to level up later on (Often I have to let the vets wear down aliens so my rookie can take the coup de grace)

2. Actions like stunning is more dangerous than kills, yet gives no benefit

3. Certain classes will be harder to level up, like support.


There should be a mod that change the way xp is gained. At the very least, I think a stun should get just as many xp points as a kill. Perhaps xp can also be dependent on the damage that's dealt out, with a bonus for the killing blow.

That sounds like an awesome idea. But how to implement...I think there are some on the boards who could do it if they so happen to see this thread, or you message them. Have a look around at threads like these to see who knows how to chop the game up: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/815794-custom-soldier-ability-trees/page__st__40

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Thought about this some more. I would like to see the XP system like it was in Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX). You got a small number of JP (job points = a form of XP) for taking any actions that do something besides Move or Defend. It was something like:

"Throw (weak unarmed ranged attack), gain 2 JP. Attack with a weapon or in melee, gain 3 JP. Use a consumable, gain 2 JP. Use a spell, gain 3 JP. etc".


That system did a great job of ensuring your support characters would level when using their support abilities, and at the same potential rate per turn. Meanwhile, XCOM's XP system belittles you into sending the rookies in as clean-up crew.

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XP gain is not only about kills. The game currently supports following event cases that reward XP:


eGameEvent_Kill: 30 or 60 if lower thank Lieutenant rank and aliens of high rank

eGameEvent_Wound: -

eGameEvent_Heal: -

eGameEvent_Turn: -

eGameEvent_MissionComplete: 60 or 90 if not seen any better aliens before

eGameEvent_SpecialMissionComplete: 120 or 180 if not seen any better aliens before

eGameEvent_ZeroDeadSoldiersBonus: 20

eGameEvent_TargetResistPsiAttack: 10

eGameEvent_KillMindControlEnemy: 0

eGameEvent_SuccessfulMindControl: 0

eGameEvent_SuccessfulMindFray: 20

eGameEvent_SuccessfulInspiration: 30

eGameEvent_AssistPsiInspiration: 30

eGameEvent_Sight: - (case only checks at beginning if seen any better aliens before)

eGameEvent_SuccessfulPsiPanic: 30

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