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Which vanilla spells can followers use?


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Hi guys!


I can't find any information on this, so I just thought I'd ask experienced players.


I use UFO, which means I can give my followers spell tomes.

But I don't know how smart they are.


I know followers will use alteration spells (oakflesh and so on).

Candlelight too (but only in combat I think).


What about muffle or invisibility? Would be awesome if they cast it when sneaking.

What about fear, calm or fury? Turn undead?

Bound weapons? (I've seen elf npcs use bound swords)

Paralyze? (If they have the magicka for it)

Grand Healing? So they can heal me when they heal themselves.


What about spells from mods? Any of them work?


Tell me about your successes and failures with magic and followers.

Thanks. :tongue:

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