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The War of Entropy


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Long before the creation of Men and Mer, the gods of the universe ruled over an infinite quantity of planes beyond the comprehension of mortal beings. Named Anu and Padomay, they were driven to be brothers in battle. From their spilt blood were born two races. From the blood of Anu there were the Aedra, a race of near omnipotence that cherished wisdom, while from the blood of Padomay lay a race who dedicated their entire existence to powerful emotions and chaos. A peaceful co-existence reigned between the two before time itself was created by the Aedra named Akatosh and from here, the peace began to shatter.


With the concept of time now established and rules of the existence changed forever, both Aedra and Daedra saw their demise foretold by the leftovers of the primordial gods. The Daedra, fearful of this prophecy retreated to the protection of Oblivion where time permanently stands still and souls are interconnected with the fabric of reality but the Aedra’s desire for knowledge drove them further into the danger that laid before them all.


It was only when the last dissipating webs of energy from the two primordial gods, Anu and Padomay, finally combined that a new enemy that threatened the existence of all reality itself. They were a race of semi-physical creatures who were unbound from the power of both Aedra and Daedra, and who carried the raw energy of both primordial gods themselves.

Akatosh was persuaded by the Aedra to approach Mehrunes Dagon, the most emotional of all Daedra gods and most favoured to chaos, in the hope that both would stand together to fight the nemisis spilt from the blood of their creators. The plane of Oblivion of began to separate as some called for a temporary unification while others seeked to banish all outsiders for as long as eternity.


While taking consultation from Boethiah and Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon was on the verge of closing the door to their realm through an act of cowardice however Azura, a Daedra of kind emotion interrupted the proceeding. After leaving Oblivion with Furuya, the finest Daedric warrior of all time created for the task at hand, Azura would enact an unspeakably dire event for the better good, and used that as a catalyst to change the minds of not only all Daedric inhabitants but also those in the few reluctant Aedra that were wary of the new creatures.


Capturing one of them and bringing it back to the plane of Oblivion she deliberately set the creature lose, countless stars were consumed and Mehrunes Dagon became enraged by an act of chaos for which he had no control over. Recruiting Furuya they set out to kill the creature and upon encountering it he attempted to taunt the beast into submission, but what he saw shook him to his core as the enemy was incapable of emotions of any kind, it could never be taunted, it could never be reasoned with, it lacked the conception of dialogue and morality. It existed only extract the energy present in all planes of existence, it was a souless entity driven by one unconscious condition.


When the entity turned on them, Furuya advised his god to seek safety while he held back the monster that had been unleashed. As the warrior fell Mehrunes Dagon called upon all Daedra to consider the offer of unity and showed them what he had learnt, and the two races became allies for the only time in existence. So begun a war between gods and gods, a war where god's ally to fight a god like enemy, a war that threatened a collapse in boundaries within and outside reality from which omnipotence could not escape, this was the War of Entropy.

Edited by ProjectVRD
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Cheers mate, I am considering turning this into a mod for the game. Not really a mod, but just releasing chapters in different books that can be found in the game as and when I write the next parts. I am not a coder by any means so there will no quest line as such, maybe just a note in a popular place that hints at where the book can be found, like a note in a tavern that says the next part was seen by the entrance of a cave in The Pale etc.
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