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Survival Mod


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I agree with this. I posted this in another thread but I think it's important that sleeping doesn't confer any real healing benefits but becomes a neccessity.


I don't think that sleeping should heal at all.


Instead, sleeping should be mandatory (as well as eating food) or negative sideeffects occur if you don't get enough sleep every day or two. This can be easily implemented by the withdrawl functoin. You should start getting huge negatives on endurance, strength, agility, and especially perception if you are sleep deprived. Eventually not sleeping for a week will have the same effect as crippling your head and your vision will be blurry and you won't be able to run or carry much. If you still don't sleep or eat, you will eventually die. The same should apply to drinking water.


Sleeping should be a neccessity against consequences, not a provider of rewards (healing and limb repair).

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Update: There already is a "Dark Nights" beta mod for F3 around, I like it. It doesn't do much, just make nights VERY dark. Now, I am really worried to find a hiding place quick when the lights turn out, as stumbling around in unknown territory with nothing but your pipboy light is terribly dangerous.


Midicow, I would also like to have enemies (especially humans) make less noise from time to time. You can always be sure when an area is cleared: As soon as there's no one left shouting "HELLO?! WhO'S THERE?".

It's a good strategy for the player to hide silently behind a corner and wait for the enemy to come. Would be a good strategy for the enemy as well.. but that's already enough for a second mod, I guess. ;)

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I love this idea.


We need to shackle down on the boys over at Bethesda[sp?] until they release the SDK.


Totally 100% for this idea.


As long as we're on the topic of survivability in FO3 here's an idea.


This is a post-apocalyptic world here. Shelter, money, food and water are very very valuable! NPC's should be aggressive and protective of these things and not just be so passive. Little big town for instance is a huge case of shelter. You'd thing there would be a bunch of people and gangs fighitng for such a crucial point. There's just no greed or anything like you would think there would be in such a harsh land.

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I'd love a mod like this, but it would have to be done in multiple ESPs so it can appeal to everyone. For example, I would love the sleep, thirst, food, etc., parts, but I would hate the strength parts. It's a really great idea, but if it isn't separate I doubt many people will use it. We don't all like to worry about the stuff we carry ;)
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I find myself in disagreement with the strength limitations on weight carried and with a viable solution.


Base carry without any stat consideration (as though all stats were zero) = 50. You could still carry the groceries home.


Each point of Strength adds 7 pounds of weight; Good muscle tone and raw power. (+70 at stat 10)


Each point of Perception adds 2 pounds of weight; The ability to observe terrain, and distance makes you a better traveler. (+20 at stat 10)


Each point of Endurance adds 4 pounds of weight; You're fit, and can sustain the effort of load-bearing longer and better. (+40 at stat 10)


Each point of Charisma adds 1 point of weight; You have an image to protect and work that much harder for it. (+10 at stat 10)


Each point of Intelligence adds 3 pounds of weight; Pack smart, lift smart. (+30 at stat 10)


Each point of Agility adds 3 pounds of weight; Good balance and coordination help you keep your load centered. (+30 at stat 10)


Each point of Luck adds 1 point of weight; You're lucky. Why not? (+10 at stat 10)


I am of the opinion that each stat point should contribute -something- to the weight limit, and if through some console cheat (why?) you set your stats to 10, it would look like this...


70,20,40,10,30,30,10 = 90,80,40 =210 + base of 50. If you were superman, you could carry 260 pounds of gear. Which, in my humble opinion is a more reasonable number, and thought process.


(Edit; with the perk "Strong Back" the number would be boosted to 310 at max stats)

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These pounds are a rather awkward means measurement for this matter anyway.


With 310 pounds of various F3 stuff, your main concern wouldn't be sheer weight, but the incredible bulkiness of your backpack. Imagine rifle barrels, bottles and whatnot sticking out everywhere. ;)

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These pounds are a rather awkward means measurement for this matter anyway.


With 310 pounds of various F3 stuff, your main concern wouldn't be sheer weight, but the incredible bulkiness of your backpack. Imagine rifle barrels, bottles and whatnot sticking out everywhere. ;)



This ain't no Diablo where you have to fit the volume of your gear in your pocket.


I've noticed that problem in a lot of videogames, mostly RPGs, and just ignore it as a necessary evil. Having to manage both the mass and volume of any piece of gear in the limited space of your pocket, backpack or carryall would be unnecessarily tedious. Choosing one to focus on seems to be a decent compromise.

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That actually sounds pretty good except for the ammo thing. I like the idea of ammo having weight, but as it is some enemies take far too many rounds to take down. If the damage outputs could be increased so that you could at least have enough ammo to last past the first Raider encounter this would be cool. Also some of the guns act way to randomly, they would need to be made to fire where you point them (with a slight spread due to range/movement/etc.) instead of randomly firing off to the left or right.


I would like to be added to this the ability to look down the iron sights on your weapon instead of the slight zoom we have now, not sure that will be possibe even with the CS though. If possible I want this to happen regardless, but I think it would be a nice addition to this proposed mod aswell.

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A lot of great ideas in the original post. Here are some personal inputs I'd have:



- Hunger and Thirst

Just like obtaining a "Well Rested" status when you sleep on a bed in Fallout 3, if you don't eat 3 square meals a day and drink 3 bottles of water a day, you should get a "Starving" and "Dehydrated" status. Starving should reduce Stregnth and Endurance. Dehydration should reduce Agility and Perception.


- Stimpaks and Healing

Stimpaks should be RARE. Like, only available in very limited quantities for sale from clinics, or in Medical Kits in abandoned vaults. Crippled limbs should only be able to be healed by a doctor in a clinic. That way, if you get into a heavy fire fight, you need to limp back to the nearest settlement to get properly patched up. No more hiding behind a barrel and shooting up a Stimpak to heal that "crippled" leg!


Another very RARE item should be something called a "Self-Aid" kit that will heal crippled limbs ONLY and not regenerate health. These could be found for sale in doctor's clinics only, but are extremely expensive.


Stimpak healing effects should not be instantaneous, either. They should be treaded like other Chems in the game... you can only use them one at a time, and they have a time-limited duration. So say you're in need of healing. Now you can only shoot up one Stimpak, and it will heal X amount of hit points over X amount of real-time minutes. This will make you think twice before "Run n' Gun" tactics.


- Food and Drink

Food and drink should be uncommon, but not as rare as Stimpaks. Food/water will be the primary means of regenerating health. The healing properties should be instant, but in much smaller amount, the opposite of the Stimpak. They should still have a time-limited duration (so you don't eat 100 Iguana Bits to regen full health) to simulate being "full".


Rads should be increased in Food/Water considerably across the board. Standing in radiated water is one thing, ingesting it is a completly different thing! Also the Food Sanitizer should reduce the amount of Rads present in food, but not eliminate it completely.


Different foods should have a different "max healing amount". So less nutritious foods like Snack Cakes and Potato Crisps are more common in the game world, but heal less HP overall. Foods like Brahmin Steak and Iguana in a Stick may not be "less" common, but have a much higher rad count, yet heal more HP.


- Sleeping

Sleeping should heal X amount of HP per hour of sleep.





Just a few ideas I'd throw out there...

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