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Need Helping Identifing This Bow


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Howdy folks, I need help finding out what bow this is in the pic, its called a Nordic Bow and it comes in 3 versions Nordic Bow, Nordic Bow (old) and Nordic Bow (Worn)






I looked through the various mods I have installed and the only major Bow mod I have is Better Bows but I havent installed that correctly as all of those bows are invisible to me,


Basically I just wish to know if this is a Short Bow or Long bow before I start investing points in the wrong perk tree as im using SkyRE


Thanks for any replies guys.



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- if this bow is added my a mod other then SkyRe, then it may or may not be compatible or have the selected tags to distinguish it being a long or short bow.


- looking at the second image, it has the size of a long bow... and the cureves of a small one, its a compound or recurve bow. Probably longbow.

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