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Various monsters suddenly unkillable after Alduin (initially) defeated


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I finally went and did the "give malborn the equipment" , got the necessary info, etc etc and finally went to take out Alduin.


Afterwards, I'm suddenly encountering creatures (specifically, so far, three Ice Wraiths, at least a half-dozen Trolls, and a couple of Wolves) that are unkillable. (the first encounter was shortly after leaving the area following Alduin's "deafeat"). In fact, no amount of effort will even scratch their health bars... So unkillable and persistent that I've had to resort to console disable in order to get rid of them, not something I really want to have to do.


So, I'm wondering, is there a known bug where monsters gain TGM-like abilities?


Any references to similar issues (animals/monsters becoming immortal or at least immune to player damage) or fixes would be much appreciated. I'm just now getting back to where I was prior to the June update (I lost ~36 levels to that update from 52 down to 16) and really don't want to have to backtrack again if I can avoid it.


thanks in advance.

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