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Any NPC Mods So They'll Pick Up Knocked Over or Dropped Items?


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Are there any mods, so if you accidentally knock items off tables, kick items that then get thrown around the floor, or drop something, basically anything that ends up on the floor indoors where it shouldn't be, are there any MODs that the NPC will come along and clean it up?


I've been accidentally knocking things around, and now noticing items like plates, goblets, even food laying on the floor inside various places, and the NPC just seem to not care, notice, or know how to deal with it.


Looks really odd/stupid with things laying all over the place.




P.S. I guess if there is nothing, I can always hold the enter key and move things around... LOL

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There's a mod called Tidy Up that might have that functionality, although I'm not sure.



But/And if you can manage with manually cleaning up, there's Jaxonz Positioner


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Are there any mods, so if you accidentally knock items off tables, kick items that then get thrown around the floor, or drop something, basically anything that ends up on the floor indoors where it shouldn't be, are there any MODs that the NPC will come along and clean it up?


I've been accidentally knocking things around, and now noticing items like plates, goblets, even food laying on the floor inside various places, and the NPC just seem to not care, notice, or know how to deal with it.


Looks really odd/stupid with things laying all over the place.




P.S. I guess if there is nothing, I can always hold the enter key and move things around... LOL


TidyUp seems to be more about the Inventory, I was more concerned about items getting knocked to the floors and laying around on them.


Jaxonz didn't seem to be well supported in SE.


Anyhow, as I mentioned, holding down 'Enter' will do the trick to allow the ability to pick up and place items, I should of realized that before making this post... LOL



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I was more concerned about items getting knocked to the floors and laying around on them.

Yep. Sorry those two didn't help. Wasn't sure about the first but I figured the second would work. Granted, I haven't had Jazconx installed for a while due to some problems I had right after the 1.5.80 update... I guess they're still a problem, and not just for my install. Too bad. the tool works great when it works.

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