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Missing Reload Sounds


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Hello everyone. Here's my issue. When I reload such guns as the .44 Magnum, Mysterious Magnum, and Police Pistol, the reload sound is absent. All animations are fine and it clearly reloads, however during the reload there is no reload sound such as the rounds being put in and the cylinder clicking back into place. Not sure what I can do. Help if you can. Thank You!
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Hello everyone. Here's my issue. When I reload such guns as the .44 Magnum, Mysterious Magnum, and Police Pistol, the reload sound is absent. All animations are fine and it clearly reloads, however during the reload there is no reload sound such as the rounds being put in and the cylinder clicking back into place. Not sure what I can do. Help if you can. Thank You!

The same problem has just occured with the Hunting Rifle.

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this problem just happened to me, any news how to fix?


many energy weapons and a few guns have that issue :(


I read it may be related to the weapon reload animation and that there is a limited ammount of animations/sounds to reload, but I dont get what I can do to fix it, to track how/where it is broken?

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