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any easy way to diagnose random ctd's?


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i've done lots of things like clean master files, use loot, use merged/bashed patches, use resaver to check for bad instances/elements, use papyrus logs (which i can't really read but don't seem to be a good source of random ctd info anyway), and so on and so on.


i love skyrim but it's getting depressing to go on wild goose chase to hunt down the cause of a random ctd. (thankfully i never have ctds on a save or when exitiing a building, and my games almost always load fine. it's always the random riding around in the tamriel world space then bam staring at my MO2 and watching it go back to unlocked mode.)


why isn't there some tool that can just tell you 'your game crashed because of xyz reason'? the inventor of such a thing should get a nobel prize in gaming. i mean just reading how many people are asking for help about a ctd, what a remarkable invention this would be!

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