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anyone wanna help out?


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i guess this would be where i put it, but i am somwhat new to TES, i know the basics, but im not skilled with it, but i am a very cretive person and have tons of ideas for mods, but at my skill, they are impossible,


and thats why i am here,


i was wondering if anybody has some time to spare on a mod i am making,


this mod adds multiple, original unique new playable races plus stories and quests behind them. Whenever i find a good race mod i get kinda lonley being the only one of my kind, so this adds cities, weapons, NPCs, and many other cool add ons. From a sewer city under the IC, taming wild creatures, ending a mafia war, or taking back an oblivion gate.


here are most of the races-




http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/5822/dremoonus7.png -Dememoon


http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/1273/draconianao6.png -Draconian


http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/1446/frozenonesut1.png- the Frozen Ones


http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/2300/hoppitsvf1.png - Hoppits


http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/7035/kousizh5.png ]- Kousi


impressive, uh? There are still few more races. if anyone wants to know anything about any of these races, please say so,


i already have the lore, storyline and most of the ideas ready, but any sugestions would be apreactiated.


but, in order to make this happen, i ask of some assistance, you dont have to be a pro, but at least know what your doing.


i would like at least a few people who would help out designing the buildings and cells, 1 or 2 people for AI, maybe somone that could retexure some items, and really anybody willing to help.


if you can lend a hand, post here saying what you are willing to help in, i will either make another thread of send out a message descirbing my plans.


Thanks alot, even if you don't help, reading this post is enough help for me. :thanks:

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