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Stardew Valley

Workbench broken - Lots of mods and not sure where to start


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So, my workbench from 4.1 works fine, but its png file or whatever seems to be broken. Instead of looking how it's meant to, it's a see through brown column. It's probably one of my mods causing this, I know that, but i have no idea which one it would even be, because i don't think i have any mods that affect it. All of my furniture mods are of the custom furniture ones that leave the vanilla things in tact, and searching in the smapi logs brings up nothing related to workbenches. In fact, i can't find any individual "Workbench" files in the vanilla files of the game, so i'm not even sure where to check that i have the vanilla files.

I have too many mods to type out individually ;_; Do i have to type them all out?


Edit: Just discovered the woodchipper is also broken, looks exactly the same as the workbench.

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