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I think someone may or may not be working on this already, but it's been a few months and there has been no word. Would be nice to have a working Doctor Who TARDIS with full regeneration (showracemenu) when you are close to death or die, time travel, cloister bell, many rooms and hallways and dungeon, space travel, random destinations, common destinations and insane destinations, summon TARDIS, onboard crafting facilities, pool, bathing people and aliens, occasional crashes, visits to the moons (possible new lands to visit), potentially a duplicate (or more) Skyrim from different eras in history for you to visit populated by Ysgramor, Olaf one Eye, etc. Capture and Release spells for you to place people and creatures in your dungeon or guest quarters or main control room.


Have a look at Drekmoor's TARDIS mod for Oblivion if you have the game, it's well worth a try, the other TARDIS mod is only a half done one.

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A TARDIS exists within the Midas Magic spells, but it spawns a box which does nothing. I did think about tweaking it but this would have required permission and work :O
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A TARDIS exists within the Midas Magic spells, but it spawns a box which does nothing. I did think about tweaking it but this would have required permission and work :O


Actually, it does have an entrance, it's a portable player house. You can't move it from inside, but it's the thought that counts.

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