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Placing Music


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Hey all,


I've been lurking the Nexus for a while now, mostly reading and gathering information. Until recently, I hadn't played Skyrim too much, until a buddy of mine showed me just how thriving the modding community for it is. Myself being experienced with modding other games, I took to this stuff pretty quickly. For better or worse, I've been slowly shaping the world of Skyrim into my own fantasy. I love that Skyrim mods are relatively straightforward, but I've hit a wall with my creativity that brings me here with what I think is probably a rather unique question. At least it seems that way given the lack of search results.


Anyway, what I'm trying to accomplish is getting music to play in a certain third party building that I have installed. How can I make it so that when I walk into this place, the music starts playing immediately, as it would in say a tavern or a certain part of the map?


Any assistance would be much appreciated!

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Properties for interior cell > music type. (right-click the cell in the cell view window > edit)




Music only in certain areas > top menu buttons > create an acoustic space (looks like a cube with a little speaker)



Edited by acidzebra
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