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Light performance weather mod


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I just wish someone would create a weather mod that adds dynamic weather but is light performance. The only 2 weather mod I know is EDWS and project reality, COT. EDWS is not dynamic, it just makes places that are snowy always snowy, and places rainy always rainy, and places neither, neither. COT is fine but machine heavy I think, I always crash when I use it, that and because it changes lighting and is not compatible with other lighting mods.


So I am hoping someone could just create a mod that adds different states of weather in different regions, obviously snowing more often in snowy regions etc but not all the time, more randomized. And also mod it such a way that it doesn't affect or change lighting, just adds the different weathers.


I found this in case anyone is interested:

Mod Resource - Color-accurate Weather


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  • 5 years later...

Dude that's not possible. Creating a weather mod is hard work, mods like Climates of Tamriel were made for general use for everyone. Those who have performance issues with this mods can simply stop using them. Simple. Or try something light like Purity.

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