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Good Morrowind mods


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Wow, that is some list. Does the MWFPS just display frame per second, or does it maximize them? Also, music controller? Can you set a new folder to play in a certain area or something?


Also, I'm not sure if it got mentioned yet, but Louis' Beauty Shop was the true gem that amazed me in Morrowind. I think I confused it with Better Heads as I downloaded all this stuff at once. I'm pretty sure this is the same modder who made the Mystic Elves for OB. Or it might have been just the Ren's hairs.

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For a start go here it is very interesting




This manuel is also interesting as well




Yes this program helps to control fps but also sets up the key board to control fog and also to set up the key board sp you can control the music :biggrin:


Once you have that set up you can use the other two together with this on for a great experience.

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Well the FPS optimizer sounded cool, but it seems the link was broken. In any event the second link you provided led to an amazing list of downloads. Now I have to stop playing Oblivion again to check out all the new stuff I have. Incidentally, the voice add-ons also seem to be broken links, does anyone know where these are still available?


Anyone looking for a good list of MW mods should definitely check the telesphoros list, click the second link in katklaw's post.


Kat: thanks a lot, that was some awesome stuff

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Sweet, that works. Thanks again, I noticed, by the way, you have no kudos. So there ya go. Incidentally I did find the voice files here on Nexus. Just weren't showing up in advanced search for some reason.
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My pleasure I just hope it increases your pleasure with morrowind


By the way I had a thought try this in the INI ....Make sure you save a copy first :thumbsup:


replace the blood text with this



Model 0=BloodSplat.nif

Model 1=BloodSplat2.nif

Model 2=BloodSplat3.nif


Texture 0=Tx_Blood.tga

Texture 1=Tx_Blood_White.tga

Texture 2=Tx_Blood_Gold.tga

Texture 3=PLX_CBbug_blood.tga

Texture 4=PLX_CBoil_blood.tga

Texture 5=PLX_CByellow_blood.tga

Texture 6=PLX_CBstone_blood.tga


Texture Name 0=Default (Red)

Texture Name 1=Skeleton (White)

Texture Name 2=Metal Sparks (Gold)

Texture Name 3=Bug Blood (Brown)

Texture Name 4=Dark Blood (Black)

Texture Name 5=Yellow Blood

Texture Name 6=Stone flakes (Gray)


It should change the colour of the blood texture on various creatures

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