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FO3 neglected//disabled mods why?


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Many modders have moved on, others have stopped supporting their older FO3 mods. Some have gotten tired of people demanding that they come back and work on, patch or fix old FO3 mods that they no longer want to support and removed the mods.


The search engine works for me. One problem many people don't understand about search engines is that not every small site can afford the huge cost of creating a search engine to rival Google. They have gotten spoiled by the Google engine and now expect every engine to be that good. :whistling:


Search engines depend on keywords, and just misspelling a single word in a title can cause the search to fail. As can including too much or too little information - typing in something like 'awsome sword' will not find a mod named 'awesome dadric sword' - note that first, the search term 'awsome' is misspelled - and then the actual name of the mod has 'Daedric' misspelled. :blush: Google can work with this kind of error. But it cost them millions to get it to do that.


One solution is to use Google for your search if the Nexus simple search doesn't find what you want. :thumbsup: But be prepaired to look through hundreds of 'hits' along with some spam and advertising that pay for that amazing Google search engine.

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Don't forget the advanced search options on Nexus either ('Search Again'). This can make all the difference in narrowing your search. Also, I have a custom search set up with a firefox extension called 'Web Search Pro' that appends "site:http://fallout3.nexusmods.com" to search terms. I find this very useful although it does tend to get a lot of non-mod related hits. Sometime I may get round to refining it to try and filter out those unwanted hits. Sometime. Edited by wetblanket
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