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Flameless Shishkebab and more Improvised Weapons


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I really like the look of the shishkebab. It's all improvised and sweet! So cool! But one thing about it just pisses me off. That damn fire! I'm a melee character, I want to hack people up! Having them catch on fire every time I swing at them is really annoying! Plus, the sound! Ugh. I don't want to sit there and listen to "Pwhsshshkeshshshshpswishshsh" as I try to stalk a Raider. Totally not cool.


So I would love if somebody could remove the flame effect from the Shishkebab. You can leave the damage as it is, I don't want it to conflict with damage mods I already have. So long as they don't catch on fire, and there's no fire on my weapon, I can say they're losing health from the blood loss that would surely follow a lawnmower blade being rammed through their sternum.


I don't care if the motorcycle gas tank on the character's back is still there. If it can be removed, sweet, but if it can't that's also fine. I like the look of it either way. This can take the place of a replacement for the Shishkebab or an entirely new weapon. While I'd prefer not overwriting the Shishkebab (as this game has dreadfully few weapons as is), I would still be very happy for the file.



Now that some modders have finally figured out how to put entirely new weapon models and such into the game, perhaps we could start seeing some more improvised weapon models? You know, things along the line of the shishkebab? Lawnmower blades, gardening utensils, machetes, hatchets, pipes with jagged spikes and such welded on?

They could all just be variations of the weapons we already have. improvised bladed weapons could use the stats from thing such as the Chinese Officer's Sword and knives, while improvised blunt weapons could use the stats of things like the nightstick, baseball bat, tire iron, and sledgehammer.


Please no replacements for these! I want the weapon choices to be expanded! And if you could find ways to incorporate these into the game, it'd be great! I don't want to cheat for new weapons. Perhaps add them to shopkeepers' inventories, scatter them around the world, or (if possible) make blueprints so these weapons could be crafted. Oi, that would be sweet!



Thanks, folks! Here's to hoping you guys like my idea! I would love to see some more weaponry in the game, so please take up the task! :thanks:

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