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The bubble thing over me


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So, hi. I'm new here and maybe I don't know some things ,that's why I am here. I am stuck in some kind of bubble...Yeah, bubble... I tried everything and searched for fix but I couldn't find anything... Or I am blind (I am blind...Sometimes...) I tried to change my race but it helped just for a while now it doesn't work at all. Sooooo.... Maybe you could help me? P.S. If you found some mistakes in my writing, I'll just let you know I am not from England...
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That's the Ancient Moth effect, i assume you played through the dawnguard questline and read an elderscroll? I'm not sure which console commands would help though.


Yeah... But at least you've helped me find out what is this so i'll search for something that could help me to remove it :)

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