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CTD short after Start


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Hey guys,


first of all let me thank you for that exellent site and mods.


Let me start to explain my problem:

Yesterday I've let Steam reinstall my Skyrim, without the 2 DLC. After that I've installed the mods. For now, when I want to start Skyrim, I could see the logo of the dragonborn for half a second and then Skyrim is closed??? What went wrong?


Here is a list of the esp order:



and a list of my installed mods:



I've also installed the latest SKSE.


Checking the integrety of the files in Steam causes no found failures. The game doesn't start even with SKSE nor without SKSE. I don't know what I could do for now. :-(


I've my skyrim.ini and the skyrimprefs.ini attached as a zip.file.


Hope you guys have an idea and that my english was not so bad.


Kind regards,


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when you reinstalled did you you let steam patch you to 1.8?


1.8 causes more issues then it solves, so if might be best to revert to 1.7, I can help with that if you don't have a backup


if you don't want to do that, then double check to see if the mod authors have updated their mods to work with 1.8

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Reinergu: I am assuming you regenerated your ini files when you reinstalled? I saw that you are using Parallax which requires ENB. Check to see if you have an out of date d3d9.dll with your ENB or are running a monitoring program in the background (like EVGA Precision X tray monitoring), which would interfere with an ENB preset.
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