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"Body Hopping" between player char and followers


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I'm looking for a mod that allows me to become one of my followers, making the current character a follower. As well as hopping back to the main char.


Essentially I'd like to swap skills, inventory, equipment, spells..

Edited by Berserker55
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I believe that idea has been tossed around, but has been pretty much shrugged off as impossible. If it is possible, it would take an INSANE amount of coding to store and rewrite and change your inventory and create a new NPC and remake the PC to look just like the NPC.


See, as far as the game is concerned, there is the PC, then every NPC in the game, and they are separate, and should stay that way. You can't simply 'make' an NPC the PC, you have to rewrite the PC to look like the NPC, which is an extensive, glitchy, awkward task, which will most likely reset all your skills and attributes as well as screw up your face gen and possible just crash your game.... You can easily duplicate the PC and make them into a NPC however.

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I believe that idea has been tossed around, but has been pretty much shrugged off as impossible. If it is possible, it would take an INSANE amount of coding to store and rewrite and change your inventory and create a new NPC and remake the PC to look just like the NPC.


See, as far as the game is concerned, there is the PC, then every NPC in the game, and they are separate, and should stay that way. You can't simply 'make' an NPC the PC, you have to rewrite the PC to look like the NPC, which is an extensive, glitchy, awkward task, which will most likely reset all your skills and attributes as well as screw up your face gen and possible just crash your game.... You can easily duplicate the PC and make them into a NPC however.



There was a vampire mod that had a spell that allowed you to take over a NPC for a short while. So it's not that impossible.

Was rather neat, especially...making them jump off cliffs. lol

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I believe that idea has been tossed around, but has been pretty much shrugged off as impossible. If it is possible, it would take an INSANE amount of coding to store and rewrite and change your inventory and create a new NPC and remake the PC to look just like the NPC.


See, as far as the game is concerned, there is the PC, then every NPC in the game, and they are separate, and should stay that way. You can't simply 'make' an NPC the PC, you have to rewrite the PC to look like the NPC, which is an extensive, glitchy, awkward task, which will most likely reset all your skills and attributes as well as screw up your face gen and possible just crash your game.... You can easily duplicate the PC and make them into a NPC however.



There was a vampire mod that had a spell that allowed you to take over a NPC for a short while. So it's not that impossible.

Was rather neat, especially...making them jump off cliffs. lol

You can 'gain control' over another actor in the game, yes, but it works by locking the camera on them and making it so your movement keys move them. Actually changing that character to become the PC, so that you get all of it's inventory, can change weapons/armors, and even talk to people is a good bit more complex.


It may not be IMPOSSIBLE, but it would take a shitton of coding.

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