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Something for the Third-Person Players?


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Is it possible to make the player control as if riding a horse? You know, when moving your character in third person leave the camera angle. You'll only move foward, strife left & right and walk backwards. Only with moving the camera will your character properly face the direction you wish to go. I aim to find a mod that makes my character movemet act as it would in a typical 3rd person game.


Also 3rd person animations. Like opening doors/picking up an item. Like the NPCs do. Like when Mercer Frey unlocks the door to snow veil sanctum. That animation would fit well with lockpicking. Reaching your hand out and putting it in your back pocket when Shopping or recieveing an item from an NPC. Ofcource drinking potions and eating food aswell. I'm already aware of a mod that does such already.


Just looking for some love for 3rd person players such as myself.

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I'm not sure if I understand, doesn't the PC strafe already?

Or do you mean that you want it not to strafe?


I want to NOT strafe. Play a game like Dragon's Dogma, KoA: Reckoning, Fable or Dragon Age. Compare the way you move the camera and charater to Skyrim and you'll quickly understand what it is I am looking for.

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