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Replacing world map mesh


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With the new patches for CK and Skyrim, I am having a few issues with my world map mod.


Back during 1.7.7, I was able to use the below INI setting to replace the Tamriel world mesh with my own. This setting actually removed the default Tamriel mesh from the world map, and only left my mesh visible.







Now after 1.8, it seems this ini setting does not work, so I have been looking for other ways to get my mesh into the world map. Renaming my mesh to "SkyrimWorldmapCloudBank.nif", and placing it in "Data/Meshes/Sky" does get my mesh into the world map, but it does not replace the vanilla Tamriel world mesh. Here is a screenshot of the issue: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4937/2012110600001b.jpg


Now, the temporary solution to this would be, to raise my mesh on the z axis above the Tamriel world mesh, but this brings other issues, like the map markers are than below my map mesh. Another issue that is caused by raising my mesh can be seen in the actual game world, directly after exiting out of the map. The issue in the following screenshot appears for about 2 seconds and then fades away: http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/8107/2012110600002.jpg. As you can see, my mesh appears in the actual game world, if only for a brief time of a couple seconds (still bothersome to me).



If anyone has any idea how I would be able to duplicate what was possible back in 1.7.7, I would love to hear it. Thanks for reading.

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I can't find the forum thread now (it wasn't on the nexus) but some people were making rather big changes to skyrim itself, they needed an ini file to override the skyrim one, and I think they said the changes wouldn't apply unless they stuck the ini inside the BSA file. Which didn't make sense to me, and it was a pretty old thread, but it seemed to work for them.


I do hope you get it working again, it's such a lovely map.

Edited by acidzebra
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