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Is it safe to patch yet?


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As with most folk a few days ago; I came home to find my version of Skyrim unplayable.


( Yes; I use many SKSE dependant mods, as well as one SD one )


Through the helpful guidance & uploading of concerned modders; I was able to roll my Skyrim exe back to 1.7; between that, disabling Script Dragon & a simple update to the level uncapper, I have been able to play for days.


Starting to get a little squeemish though; not having auto-update running on one game is one thing...but to fall TOO far behind the curve of mod updates will break a game in itself... Are we "safe" now? To update Skyrim I mean.


I'm not using the creation kit, & the new tesedit isnt' functional enough for me yet. JUST trying to play the game with SKSE not crashing me & such..


Thanks in advance !

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Steam decided that for me.


So far, I've had no issues, besides having to spend about 5 hours making everything compatible again and getting my game to get past the Bethesda Logo.


I use SKSE, and all my mods that really on it (SkyUI, iHUD, etc) seem to be working perfectly fine now.

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