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More House Furnishings


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These things might be impossible until (if) the construction set is released, but here goes.


I'd like to be able to put more stuff in my house. When I say stuff I mean primarily two categories of items:


1) Medium sized things like wood/metal boxes, lamps, telephones, typewriters and such.

These could all be given weight 10, value 0 and made pick-up-able and no one would need to worry about game balance.

A working computer terminal that can access Quest and Notes from the pip boy would be cool as well.


2) Bigger things like bookcases, metal shelves, tables, chairs, refrigerators, desks, lockers and so on.

Trickier to implement I would guess, but there's really too much empty space in the house, and not enough places to put stuff.


Also it would be nice with a "lock item" feature to prevent accidental movement of items.


While I'm at it might as well request a HUD indicator on whether or not I am lifting something or not. Far too many times I have arranged a zillion items and when I turn away it seems I didn't quite let go of that nuka-cola bottle and it sweeps everything down :wallbash:

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