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Help with Radiant Story Scripting


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Hi, I'm trying to write a quest where the player has to talk to a number of innkeepers. The problem I run up against is that innkeepers are mortal and can be replaced, so just having an alias that points to, say, Hulda, won't work the way I want it to if the player has helped Ysolda realize her dream of running the Bannered Mare. But I can't find how Ysolda becomes the innkeeper such that I could just point to whoever happens to be the owner of the Bannered Mare. None of the scripts attached to either of them seems to control the change in roles and I couldn't find a quest that handles things. How do people step up into the roles to replace dead NPCs in general? How would you make an alias that points to whoever happens to be the innkeeper at the moment?
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I figured it out. Make the alias fill conditional on being in a certain location and being part of the faction jobinnkeeper. You can also figure out who the backup is, make an alias for them, and set a script on the innkeeper to force fill with the backup on their death.Also works for Jarls (though with a different faction).
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