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The horrible red !


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I'm not new to modding, been doing this for a few years, so keep that in mind when I tell you my issue.


I'm using a beautiful fountain by InsanitySorrow found here: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/5441-development-journal/page__st__20


I drop it in my mesh folder like normal, put the textures in too. Then I load up the ck and put it in there. Shows up fine in the model viewing window but when I drag it into my house I get the red !


I did everything right (I think). I will admit i'm not 100% used to the ck...I used the geck for Fallout 3 and NV. But it's pretty much the same, at least when it comes to that. I have no clue what I did wrong.


And just to test it out, I added another resource from that same download (different author) and it messed up as well. Just to be safe I added a resource I got off of this site. It works fine. I don't know if it's just me or not. I'll ask on that website but I thought I would see if anyone else had this issue on here.

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