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Skeleton Overhaul?


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Skeletons are pretty lame in Skyrim, does any modder here feel it is about time they were turned into a menacing combatant whose combat skills are higher and their appearance is higher res or scarier?


Here are some pictures that give skeletons a bit more character as such:















Anyone else feel that our Skeleton enemies should have a bit more prominence in Skyrim, because at the end of the day if I was living in Skyrim I would imagine being more afraid of an undead Skeleton than a bandit, I would imagine bandits in the medieval times were also afraid of the idea of an undead Skeleton. So hoping somebody can overhaul their appearance and give them a combat upgrade! Give us a reason to fear walking into caves, dungeons and lairs.


Personally speaking, I love the look of the second picture. It is not a contemporary image of a Skeleton but it seems to personify undead, perverse and twisted idea of a dead man walking.



Edited by ProjectVRD
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Sadly its because you can punch most skeletons to bits, they are the weakest kind of undead in elderscrolls games.


Back in the past was when there was more variation in undead types, you'd see bonelords or bonewalkers or lichs or bonewolfs or zombies or the several variants of skeletal enemies and even regular ghosts (instead of just the wispmother).


Non-draugur undead need an overhaul.


Even though what I've seen of the Dragonborn DLC, is to include some new undead...

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