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PC has Storm Atronach Visual Effect?


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First off, I'm playing the PC version of Skyrim, and I have multiple 3rd party mods in addition to Dawnguard installed.


I was doing the College of Winterhold mission Hitting the Books and when I came to The Caller, I first persuaded her, which succeeded, then I took the books, and finally, attacked and killed her and her two Storm Atronachs. Then, I left her room via the exit behind where she is standing when you walk in, and, after the loading screen, my character now has the smoke/fog and lightning effect that Storm Atronachs have. It's incredibly annoying and distracting, and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.


If it matters, my character is a Male Khajiit.


If anyone can help me get rid of this annoying glitch, I would be forever grateful! :D

Edited by Blktiger0
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I hope you saved before meeting The Caller?

As you could just load your save.


However, if not, I recommend checking active effects for weird stuff. (like atronachstormFX or something)

Also, typing in console:

help atronach 4

Find stormatronachFX (something like that, most important is that there's storm, atronach and FX mentioned)


It might be either spell, enchantment or armor item, you should see it by the short text in front of it. (Spel, ench, armo)



player.removespell ID OF THE SPELL HERE


Player.unequipitem ID HERE

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I did, but I'm not sure that I haven't overridden the save. :/


I save like a madman, and I've been trying to see if it'll just go away, resolve when another effect hits me and (maybe?) overrides it, and I've also been trying tons of console commands to see if they'll fix it, but so far, nothing has worked.


In light of this however, I am increasing the number of saves I use for one character. Usually I have around 10-15, not counting the autosaves and quicksave, but that's clearly not enough for how much I save.


I'll try that stuff right away. I've checked my active effects, and I've used the dispelallspells command on my character, to no avail.

Edited by Blktiger0
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I've had that glitch before, the steps shadow gave you should work. Often you'll see the same problem with multiple versions - a storm atronauch one, steam centurion effect & so on. there's a uesp wiki page denoting the various ones, the workarounds etc. i'll se eif i can find it for you to book mark if you want.
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I tried both of the Commands Shadowjin suggested after finding the ID, but neither worked. For reference, here is what the console showed me:


MGEF: (0007F423) 'AtronachStormFX'


It wasn't identified as a spell or item that was unequipable. I don't recognize what MGEF stands for, but I'm assuming it's Magic Effect. However, I have no idea how to get rid of it still.

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what are all of these mods you have installed? any one of them could have changed/ affected this effect, especially any magic overhauls, midas magic, hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, just to name a few


and which verison of skyrim are you running 1.8 or 1.7?

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I'm running 1.7 and my mods installed are these:




None of which are magic overhauls or really much of anything magic related, that I know of. The only one that might have done this would be Better Vampires, but I don't see why it would have messed with Storm Atronachs at all.

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Better vampires maybe... and realistic lighting could affect that, if the author involuntarily modified it.


that all enchant recipes unlocked is that complety removed from your data folder ? if not, then do it, mods that have leavings left in the data folder can do some crazy stuff.


try uninstalling better vamps and realistic lighting one at a time and see if that fixes the isssue.

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The All Enchants is a .bat mod. It just puts the .bat in the data folder, you run it, it gives you the enchant recipes, and you're done. I'll try disabling those two.


I got the smoke effect of the bug to go away by using recycleactor, but the lightning is still surrounding me.

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