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PC has Storm Atronach Visual Effect?


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Does what carry over? The Atronach Effect? This is my only character on my PC, so I can't say whether or not it carries between characters. I'll create a new one to see. It's currently on all of my saves because I tried to just deal with it for a while after I originally tried to get it to go away. Why I didn't reload the save is beyond me, but for some reason I decided not to.
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I finally found a fix on my own. I simply used the following command:


playerenchantobject 3b97c 7f423


which created a silver ring with the Storm Atronach MGEF. At first, it doubled the effect, but after removing the ring, both effects were gone. Hopefully this is of help for other people in the future! I appreciate the help you guys have given me, and I appreciate your time.

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It seems to be a regular thing that unwanted magic effects get applied and I have no idea why. The best known is the Draugr effect around the eyes, I say that because when it happened to one of my characters a quick Googling session found specific answers to that issue. What worked for me was;-


Open console

player.addspell (here you need to find the ID for whatever MGEF is affecting you)

Close console

Open console

player.removespell (your MGEF ID here again

Close console


And it was gone. There may already have been some similar answers but once you have found the ID, that is really a quick fix to do. I found this list which should have the ID you seek and I'm bookmarking it myself!


Spells and enchantments with IDs

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Well i had the same problem and this solution worked :


- In third person, open the console and enter "player.addspell 000f71d1"


- Close the console and notice a slight darkening around your character


- Open the console again and enter "player.removespell 000f71d1"


- Close the console and your eyes should stop glowing.

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